Lay liturgical ministry gives witness to the interdependence of the many members of the Body of Christ, coming together as one in service of the Church. In addition to the full, conscious and active participation asked of all of the members of the worshipping assembly, a lay liturgical minister is called to serve in a particular way at the Eucharistic Liturgy. There are many opportunities to serve St. Peter’s as a lay liturgical minster (see below), and we hope that you would discern if you are being called into this service.
As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, commonly referred to as a Eucharistic Minister or "EM", lay people can serve by assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass (on Sundays or weekdays), at our local hospitals or nursing homes, or during visits to homebound parishioners. To become an EM, one must be a parishioner who is fully initiated (having received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation) and in good standing with the Church.
If you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact Fr. Mike through the parish office.
If you are interested in becoming a Reader, please contact the parish office.
At Mass, ushers serve the community by greeting worshippers, assisting anyone who has difficulty seating themselves, taking up the collection, directing the Communion line, and handing out bulletins. There is a need for ushers at all Sunday Masses.
If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact the parish office.
The youth of our parish have the opportunity to serve at Mass as Altar Servers. Generally, Altar Servers are in the fifth grade or older, and are scheduled for Sunday Masses on a rotating basis.
If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact the parish office.