Yesterday during our live-stream of Sunday Mass, I announced our plan for the phased reopening of the church for Sunday Mass. From what I understand, the transmission was a little spotty during the announcement so I am sending you the substance of what I said and have posted it on Facebook as well.
This coming Sunday, June 14, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord (Corpus Christi Sunday), we will begin our phased approach to returning to Sunday Mass safely. It seems not only appropriate but also providential to me that we are returning to the public celebration of the Mass on this day after nearly 3 months of protective quarantine and social distancing.
Our phased approach is based on guidelines issued by both the Governor's office and by the Diocese of Metuchen in collaboration with health-care professionals at St. Peter's University Hospital. This is the first step we are taking to return to church safely. Certain public health and protective protocols are still in place, including wearing face-masks in church, practicing social distancing before, during, and after Mass, and disinfecting touchable surfaces following each Mass.
In order to maintain proper social distancing in church for Sunday Mass, we cannot exceed 30% of the seating capacity of the church. This requires us to put in place a temporary registration system for Sunday Mass so that we can limit the size of each congregation for our parishioners' protection while in church. Details of this process and registration information will be posted on the parish website early this week. Further, because the size of each congregation must be limited, I am temporarily expanding the Sunday Mass schedule to accommodate for smaller congregations at Mass.
Beginning next weekend,
June 13-14, the weekend Mass schedule will be as follows:
Sunday Mass will continue to be live-streamed each week.
However, beginning next Sunday, June 14, it will take place at 10:30AM instead of 11AM.
Please make note of this change. In addition, protocols require us to disinfect touchable surfaces such as pews, door handles, railings, and the like, after each Mass. While we have staff and other volunteers willing to help us with this, we could still use more help. If you are willing to assist us, and are NOT in a high-risk group for contracting COVID-19 or caring for someone who is, please let us know by emailing the parish office at:
[email protected].
More detailed information about the resumption of public Sunday and weekdays Masses will be available on our website early this week. We're looking forward to safely welcoming you back to church on Sundays for the celebration of the Eucharist.