I hope this note finds you and your families well.
This Friday, May 1, 2020, the Bishops of both the United States and Canada will together seek Our Lady's intervention in the current pandemic by invoking Her intercession under Her title of "Mother of the Church". Below you will find a letter from Bishop Checchio to the clergy, religious, and faithful of the Diocese of Metuchen about this event together with an invitation to join him in prayer for a live-streamed recitation of the Rosary from our cathedral beginning at 3:30pm and Mass at 4:00pm. You can access the live-stream from the diocesan website at diometuchen.org.
May 1 is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, beginning the month that is traditionally dedicated to Our Lady. In union with both Mary and Joseph, let us ask the Lord to bring healing to the sick, comfort to the bereaved, strength to health-care workers and all who serve our community, and an end to the pandemic.